Thursday, October 31, 2019

Childhood Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Childhood Obesity - Essay Example There others that should be seen soon from the IOM and the National Assembly on School Based Heath Care. These two are expected to come out with policy that will reinstate the physical education program which was mandatory by the government for kindergarten through 12th grade.   Most public health policy is beginning to be seen through initiations from the states at this time. Some organizations that are working very hard on the issue now are the National Governors Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and the National Academy for State Health Policy(Katz, O'Connell, Yeh, 2009).  There are also policies that have been in place that now are being scrutinized due to the belief by public health that these policies may be causing an increase in childhood obesity. One of those policies is the decades old "cheap food" policy which was instituted to provide cheap food for those that are low incomes. However, this US Agriculture policy promotes the overproduc tion of farm commodities like corn and soybeans. These "cheap commodities have been converted into calorie-rich but nutrient poor snacks, sweets and sweetened beverages that have lead to an excess of daily calories for Americans, children and adults". (Lilliston, 2010). One of the things that is of note here is to remember that farm policy is also public health policy. These are the beginnings of the relief needed toward good public health policy related to nutrition and excercise as well as childbood obesity.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Essay question about The big switch Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Question about The big switch - Essay Example Even not being a professional, Geoff could develop a programmable world wide computing. It is in this very chapter, that forms the beginning of the second part of the book, Carr encapsulated the concept of cloud computing. The prime feature of cloud computing is that it does not require the typical mainframe computer to store all the data in one single computer. Rather, one can easily share it within the network through host servers. As it has been discussed by Nicholas Carr, cloud computing is generally used as third party product and as the businesses can have professional expertise for all the matters like hosting, servers and domains and also as they can store all of their information over such networks, it definitely helps them in focusing upon their core competencies. The business organizations can forego the huge capital investments for setting up and maintaining own networks. The demerit is that the business firms have to depend upon the external institutions and it might lea d to matters like information theft or failure of the servers. But still there is almost no doubt that the cloud computing has enabled the business organizations to have much better information technology architecture. ‘The Big Switch’ by Nicholas Carr has definitely won the test of time as it proposes and proves one after the other burning issues faced by the business organizations of present day with respect to information technology. In the chapter seven of the book, Carr considers one of the most debated topics of the period i.e. the reduction of employment because of extensive usage of information technology. It is a fact that the computers can do the work of quite a few employees and that too much efficiently. Therefore, Hellmut Schutte rightly thinks that the machines are definitely replacing human workforce. Though the entire matter is unfortunate as old time employees are losing their jobs but the fact is that the multi national corporations of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Other Side Of The River, By Alex Kotlowitz

The Other Side Of The River, By Alex Kotlowitz The book, The Other Side of the River, by Alex Kotlowitz, investigates the relationship between two Michigan cities, as well as the death of Eric McGinnis. The two towns, St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, are called the twin cities, though they are anything but. For one, St. Joseph is predominantly white, while the majority of the population in Benton Harbor is African American. Throughout the novel Kotlowitz questions how people are affected by their environment. When interviewed about his book he said, your perspectiveall depends on which side of the river you live on. This statement is undoubtedly the backdrop for Kotlowitzs book. Erics death is just one of the many ways in which disagreement between the two cities took place. Another death that sparked a commotion between the two cities, and possibly more important, between the two races, was the death of Norris Maben. January 18, 1990, a year before Erics death was when Norris Maben was killed. Maben was shot by Marv Fiedler, a white cop. Fiedler thought Maben was the suspect he had been looking for and when it appeared that Maben was about to pull out a gun, Fiedler shot him. There was a logical explanation behind the shooting, but to the public this was just an unjust act of violence. To make matters worse, Maben was unarmed. The citizens of Benton Harbor saw this as a racial attack. Right before Fiedlers trial was when Erics dead body was found floating in the St. Joseph river. Immediately the residents of Benton Harbor thought he was murdered by a white citizen of St. Joseph. On the other hand, the citizens of St. Joseph thought it was possibly a suicide, or they didnt really care. One St. Joseph resident commented , That nigger came on the wrong side of the bridge. He Should have stayed on his side of the river. Erics untimely death stirred up stagnant feelings of the Maben shooting, as well as forming new a feud between the two cities. Residents of both St. Joseph and Benton Harbor grew up learning that the people on the other side of the river are corrupt. Chris Adams, the owner of a popular teen hangout, told Kotlowitz during an interview, You grow up around here learning that bad things happen in Benton Harbor. You grow up afraid to go across the river. This fear of venturing to the other side of the river was true for adults as well as teens. The author, Alex Kotlowitz, recounts how black teens asked cops for rides back to Benton Harbor because they were so afraid of being left alone in St. Joseph, but more importantly, they were afraid of the whites. Situations such as these bring into question whether this fear of the opposite race is a learned behavior as suggested by Chris Adams, or if prejudice is a behavior you are born with. This idea of behaviors being learned, or being born with the behaviors, is referred to Nature vs. Nurture. Nature refers to ones instinct and the concept that a persons behaviors can be traced back to their genetic makeup. On the contrary, nurture refers to the theory that people act a certain way because they learned so from their parents or peers. Growing knowledge of the human genome is helping scientists form theories in which both sides are partly right, but as of now the subject is still in debate amongst sociologists. In my opinion, I feel that a persons behaviors are learned by observing their parents or their peers. The characters from The Other Side of the River grew up learning that the other race is inferior and the other town across the river is corrupt. There are a few people, who are white, and live on the Benton Harbor side of the river. These people often interact with both races. It is people like this who learned growing up that neither race is superior. Furthermore, there are also a few characters, such as Ruth McGinnis, who are sociable and cordial with whites, and many other inhabitants of St. Joseph. As I began to read this book I expected a story about the death of Eric McGinnis, but as I read more and more I realized that this book was about much more. It told the underlying story of the two Michigan towns, St. Joseph and Benton Harbor. It also told of various other controversies that helped me, as the reader, to identify why the townspeople felt the way they did about Erics death. This book also left me feeling unsettled. Living in a country that takes such pride in its diversity, it makes me wonder how two towns such as Benton Harbor and St. Joseph can exist. There are hundreds of towns just like these two, and if people will cease to be ignorant than they will be able to see each other for who they are, and no longer define each other according to their race.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Origin of Judaism :: essays research papers fc

The origins of Judaism are written in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Pentateuch. Genesis is divided into several major parts. The creation of the world (first part) and the story of Abraham (second part) are respectively the parts that are dedicated mostly to the origins of Judaism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  God created heaven and Earth. Then he created man. Man disobeyed God, building a partition between them, and went on his own. God promised redemption on man for being tempted and corrupted by Satan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Later, God chose Abraham as the father of a long line of people that he would deal with throughout time in order to keep his promise of redemption, and to define a certain people as his. Abraham had two sons: Ishmael and Isaac. God chose Isaac to receive the birthright promises. As a result, the line of God’s people came through Isaac. After what happened the first time with man’s betrayal, God put Abraham and Isaac to a test. God ordered Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to him. Abraham was confused and hurt by this command, but both he and Isaac agreed. As he was about to kill his son, God stopped him. God informed Abraham that this was a test to see how loyal he was to him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Generations later God made a pact with the chosen people. They agreed to live a life of strict obedience to the law that he gave them, and in return, they would have the promised messiah come as one of them, who would deliver them from evil to God. He provided them prophets to make his presence and desires known to them and to predict future events so they would know what to expect from God in future times, and how to recognize the Messiah when he arrived.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Leadership Challenge: Using Sources of Power Ethically

Leadership Challenge: Using Sources of Power Ethically The misuse of power is constantly revealed in the business environment by the actions and characteristics of executives, leaders, supervisors, and managers. In reiterating the definition of power is having the know-how, to influence others to do something that they wouldn’t normally do (Lussier, 2008). The tactics that leadership uses are categorized into nine influential tactics: ? Rational Persuasion ?Inspirational appeal ?Consultation ?Ingratiation ?Exchange ?Personal Appeal ?Coalition ?Legitimating ?Pressure Most of which are likely used by leadership (Katzenstein, n. d. ). List and explain the sources of power that the CEO of a large company typically has at her disposal. The source of power in business a CEO has is Expert, Referent, and Legitimate Power. C. E. O. is defined as Chief Executive Officer; the CEO is known to have the great power of delegation (Ellis-Christensen, 2012). There are many definitions of expert power and one definition is â€Å"Expert Power is stated as resting on the belief of employees that an individual has a particularly high level of knowledge or highly specialized skill set. Managers may be accorded authority based on the perception of their greater knowledge of the tasks at hand than their employees† (Turner, 2012). Referent Power is the use of personal power (ones’ attractiveness, respect, loyalty, and worthiness) to influence others to do your request. Referent power is like a role-model type of power, it uses your adoration from others toward influencing them to do something (Thomas, 2002). Legitimate Power is used from a person position and/or title. Legitimate power in is used to demand the others, regardless of their commitment or cooperation. This type of power tends to place distrust in the leaders capabilities in operating a business. Therefore, it is actually the title/position of a person rather than the person itself that carries this power. Describe how these powers can be used to avoid the various operational, administrative, and ethical problems experienced by companies. Business Problem 1 The business problem that may occur is a machine is down due to electrical issues and no backup machine or alternative available. Influence tactic The influence tactic used in this business problem will be consultation and inspiration appeal. The consultation was chosen to meet with the managers to see what can be done to improve on these problems and if it is feasible to obtain. In choosing the inspiration appeal is to encourage the employees not to get discouraged and thank them for doing a great job. Source of Power The source of power used in this situation for consultation is Reward, coercive or legitimate. The power used for Inspiration appeal is Referent power. Why this influence tactic addresses the problem I thought these influence tactic was best suited for the situation in handling this business problem. When such problems occur on the job, it sometimes tends to discourage the workers from getting their job done or begin to doubt the company obligation to that specific area leaving them wondering if it was intentional or not. Business Problem 2 The business problem that is experience too often in this problem is issues with checks and missing work time. Although payroll handles the issuance of checks, it still falls under administrative problems. Influence tactic The influence tactics used in this business problem are Legitimating, Rational persuasion, and Pressure. Source of Power The source of power for legitimating is legitimate power. The source of power for rational persuasion is expert power and the source of power for Pressure is Coercive power. Why this influence tactic addresses the problem I chose these for a number of reasons, one is legitimating can swing both ways. The employer will need a legitimate reason as why they should give you the correct amount of hours that the employees claim they are missing. In a sense the employee can request a statement showing the calculation of their hours. The employee can use pressure in pursuit of getting this problem corrected. Business Problem 3 The business problem that sometimes occurs is unethical business practices. Unethical business practices like dumping good at loss making prices just to earn market shares or to oust a new competitor from business, colluding with competitors to fix higher prices, using high pressure selling tactics, using deceptive advertising, etc. re also some things that need to be looked at (Patil, 2012). Influence tactic The influence tactics used in this business problem are rational persuasion, coalition, and legitimating. Source of Power The source of power for rational persuasion is expert power, the source of power for coalition is coercive power, and the source of power for legitimating is legitimate power. Why this influence tactic addresses the problem I thought that these tactics were definitely used in coe rcing influences on others, especially to benefit that particular person. Unethical business practices happen all over the world, most often never get address in order to prevent it from happening again and again. Unethical practices are used by businesses legitimating why they must have or need; even use coercive power to intense or sway the answer in their favor. Rational persuasion is basically similar to coercive power, the general idea is to lure the favor toward the persuader way. References Ellis-Christensen, T. (2012). What is a CEO? Retrieved on January 22, 2012 from http://www. wisegeek. om/what-is-a-ceo. htm Katzenstein, J. (). Influence Tactics. Retrieved on January 22, 2012, from som. csudh. edu/depts/adjunct/jkatzenstein/†¦ /Influence%20Tactics. ppt Lussier, R. N. (2008). Ethical Power and Politics. Retrieved on January 22, 2012, from highered. mcgraw-hill. com/sites/dl/free/0073210552/†¦ /chap010. ppt Patil, S. B. (2012). Ethical Issues in Business. Buzz. com. Retrieved on January 22, 2012 from http://www. buzzle. com/articles/ethi cal-issues-in-business. html Singh, A. (2009). Organizational Power in Perspective. Leadership & Management in Engineering, 9(4), 165-176. doi:10. 1061/(ASCE)LM. 1943-5630. 0000018 Thomas, J. C. (2002). Leadership Effectiveness of Referent Power as a Distinction of Personal Power. Retrieved on January 22, 2012 from http://www. jctnet. us/Professional/MOL/LEAD605/ThomasJMicroBP$2. pdf Turner, M. C. (2012). Leadership Styles and Bases of Power. Reference for Business Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd Ed. Retrieved on January 22, 2012 from http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Int-Loc/Leadership-Styles-and-Bases-of-Power. html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pulse Width Modulation Final Year Project

Chapter 1 Introduction 1. 0 Background Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a type of devices that can be used as a DC motor speed controller or light dimmer. PWM is used extensively for speed controller where power-saving application is needed. This device has been used as a motor speed control for small DC fans, for example in computer power supplies. A PWM circuits works by creating a square wave with a variable on-to-off ratio, the average on time may be varied from 0 to 100 duty cycle.The term duty cycle describes the proportion of ‘on' time to the regular interval or ‘period' of time; a low duty cycle corresponds to low power, because the power is off for most of the time. Duty cycle is expressed in percent, 100% being fully on. From this, a variable amount of power is transferred to the load. The main advantage of PWM is that power loss in the switching devices is very low. When the switch is off there is practically no current, and when it is on, there is almost no vol tage drop across the switch.Power loss, being the product of voltage and current, is thus in both cases close to zero. PWM also works well with digital controls, which, because of their on/off nature, can easily set the needed duty cycle. Additional advantage of PWM is that the pulses reach the full supply voltage and will produce more torque in a motor by being able to overcome the internal motor resistance easily. 1. 1 Objectives The objectives of this project are: 1.To develop the actual circuit of the PWM. 2. To simulate the PWM circuit in simulation software. 3. To use the PWM in order to control the speed of the DC motor. 1. 2 Methodology Start Title consideration, ideas Supervisor approval Components specifications and data sheets Proposal Drafting Proposal Evaluation Project Simulation Project Presentation Progress Report Submission END Figure 1. 2. 1 Flowchart of Methodology 1. 3 Gantt Chart 1. 3. 1 Final Year Project 1 | WEEKS|ACTIVITY| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 1 2| 13| 14| 1| Student-supervisor-panel allocation, briefing about FYP, introductions|   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 2| Student-supervisor meeting arrange time, finding ideas discuss ideas, project titles|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 3| Student-supervisor regular meeting|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 4| Proposal preparation|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 5| Proposal evaluation, meet supervisor for evaluation, things to be improved|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 6| Proposal correction correct any mistakes|   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 7| Project Development choose circuit, check availability simulation|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 8| Proposal and progress presentation|   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 9| Progress report writing is based on progress|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 10| Progress report submission submit report|   |   | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 1. 3. 2 Final Year Project 2 Week| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| Tasks| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Buy Components |   |   |   |   | | | | | | | | | | | Construct circuiton breadboard | | |   |   |   | | | | | | | | | | Troubleshoot| | |   |   |   | |   |   | | | | | | | PCB Layout Design| | | | | |   | | |   | | | | | | PCB Layout Print| | | | | | | | | |   |   | | | | Soldering| | | | | |   |   |   | | | | | | | Final Report| | | | | |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Final Presentation| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1. 3. 2. 1 Aims for Final Year Project 2 1. Prepare the actual circuit diagram 2. Building and programming the PCB circuit diagram 3.Drilling the PCB and soldering the components 4. Testing the PWM circuit 5. Troubleshoot 1. 3. 2. 2 Project planning for Final Year Project 2 For the final year project 2, we have to prepare the actual circuit based on our simulation result. We will create the PCB artwork with PCB programming such as ExpressPCB, which is available for free and is surprisingly functional. Next, we have to print out the PCB artwork on a transparency. Then we cut out the printed portion of the artwork. This will define the size and shape of the PCB.To make PCBs, we can use the UV exposure method, which is only slightly more difficult than and significantly more precise than the toner transfer method. To start out, we must cut the PCB to be the same size as the outline of the PCB positive. First, we drew a rectangle the same dimensions of the PCB on the protective layer of UV Reactiv e copper covered ibreglass board, and then cut it out using a Dremel tool equipped with a diamond wheel. We have to make sure that once we have removed the board from its protective package it will not be exposed to any UV.Fluorescent and halogen lights both output enough UV light that they will expose the board through the protective layer of plastic. Next, after we cut the UV sensitive PCB to size, we are ready to expose the board. Then we remove the protective layer to size, from the PCB right before we place the positive on it, or else dust particles will attach to the board, which will mark the final PCB. To expose the PCB, first remove the protective layer, place the positive transparency on top of the board, and place it in the UV exposure box. An exposure time of 10-11 minutes is recommended.Now we need to drill holes in the PCB for the through-hole components. Finally, we have to solder all the components through-hole components. If the final result is not achieved when tes ting the final circuit, we have to run troubleshooting and find out the problem. Then, we solved the problem based on the troubleshooting after we identify the real problem. Chapter 2 Circuit Design and Operation 2. 1 Schematic diagram Figure 2. 1. 1 Schematic Diagram of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) To Control DC Motor Speed. 2. 2 Circuit operation 2. 2. 1 Flow Chart and Description Input Signal DC wave) ? IC NE556 Output Signal (Square wave) LM311 Comparator Potentiometer ? IC NE556 Output Signal (Modulated Square wave) IRF 521 DC Motor Figure 2. 2. 1. 1 Circuit Operation Flowchart The input signal is fed into first half of IC NE556. The IC NE556 will generate square wave. The wave will then go to the second half of IC NE556 and been modulated. Potentiometer will control the second half IC to produce the desired output. A modulated square will be generated from the second IC. This wave of current will be amplified by IRF521 and then went to the motor and spin it.The DC motor speed will depends on the magnitude of the current. Chapter 3 Project Progress 3. 0 The Project Progress and the Project Outcomes The first stage of the progress is building the circuit for the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) circuit. Then, the best circuit diagram is chosen for our project. A preliminary literature review about our circuit had also been done. In this project, two of the LM556, Dual 556 Timer TTL IC were used to simulate the PWM circuit. The first IC allowed the possibility to generate square wave while the second IC allow modulation variation.Other than that, several problems were encountered when simulating some part of the circuit. This is due to incomplete library component of the simulation software such as the lack of LM556 IC in the first place. This was because the wrong type of licence of the software was selected. After a few trials and some changes of the circuit diagram for simulation, and with the right licence for the software, the PWM circuit was successfully simulated. Figure 1. 1 Expected DC square wave (output) Results Input Signal of 1st half of IC NE556 Output Signal of 2nd half of IC NE556Calculation from theory: Thigh= 0. 7(RA+RC)C Thigh= 0. 7(1M+1K) (0. 05 µ) = 0. 035s/35ms Tlow= 0. 7 RB C Tlow= 0. 7 (1K) (0. 05 µ) = 3. 5Ãâ€"10-5s/ 0. 035 ms Values from simulation: Thigh= 38ms Tlow= 42  µs/ 0. 042 m Input Signal of 2nd half of IC NE556 Output Signal of 2nd half IC NE556 (A=0%, B=0%) (A=0%, B=10%) (A=0%, B=50%) (A=0% B=100%) Calculation from theory: Thigh= 1. 1 RA C Rated Current From Simulation (A=0%, B=0%)I=45. 842mA(A=0%, B=10%)I=132. 953mA (A=0%, B=50%)I=406. 541mA(A=0% B=100%)I=4. 121A Table of Motor Speed Slow| Speed| Fast| 0%| Value of Potentiometer B| 100%| 0. 2077ms| T high (ON time)| 7. l79ms| 132. 95mA| Rated Current| 4. 121A| 12V| Rated Voltage (Constant)| 12V| Since voltage is constant, the higher the current supplied, the faster the motor would spin. Chapter 4 4. 0 The Problems Encountered CASE 1 – FIND ING SUITABLE SIMULATION SOFTWARE The PWM circuit uses two of LM556 IC. The first LM556 will convert DC input signal into square wave. Before doing the hardware of the project, the software need to be simulated first to check whether the circuit diagram is correct or need some adjustment.Because of this, finding the suitable simulation software had become a problem encounter to finish the project. List below show example name of other simulation software that can be used to run any the software simulation for the project; 1. TINA 2. OrCAD Capture 3. PROTEUS All of the other simulation software above can be use to run the simulation for this project but some of them were not suitable. As an example the TINA software were not used because of the unfamiliarity and the complexity of the software.The project also cannot be simulated using the OrCAD Capture since there were a large number of library which does not have simulation installed. This make it unsuitable since this project requir ed to be simulated. Meanwhile PROTEUS software was not used because of the difficult interface that complicate the user or in other words not user-friendly. CASE 2 – WRONG LICENCE OF SIMULATION SOFTWARE After MULTISIM had been installed, a situation was encountered where the library components are not complete or some of the components are not available.If this problem prolonged, the circuit cannot be designed in the software. Some measures had been taken to find the solution but the problems still persist. There are some types of licence that accompanied for MULTISIM, which are: 1Power PRO Edition 2Full Edition 3Student Edition 4Education PKG Edition 5Base Edition At first, the Full Edition licence was installed. When the circuit was being designed, a lot of components were unavailable. Every aspect of the software was checked, but no problem related to the software was detected. The MULTISIM software was cleanly installed in the computer. . 1 Solutions for Every Problem CAS E 1 SOLUTION – USE MULTISIM SOFTWARE The simulation can be done by using simulation programmed like TINA, Proteus, or OrCAD Capture. Unfortunately, all of these simulation programmed mentioned above have problems as explained before. Without a proper simulation, it is hard to detect any problems that exist in the design of the circuit. Finally, MULTISIM is chosen as the simulation program. MULTISIM was suitable for simulation of the Pulse Width Modulation circuit. MULTISIM has all the required components in its component library.Hence, all the components can be place in the circuit to complete it. Simulation can be done easily by using MULTISIM. All the results being cleared by using this programmed. Expected results are the PWM wave which will control the motor. CASE 2 SOLUTION – WRONG LICENCE OF SIMULATION SOFTWARE This problem was easily encountered by reinstalling licence of the right type. In this case, PowerPro Edition licence type was required. After it has been reinstalled, all the components are unlocked. Hence, the process of designing the circuit in the simulation software continued, and simulation process succeed.Chapter 5 Conclusion For this semester, the project progress was successful until the simulation. Hence, the simulation needs to be done correctly according to the circuit so that expected result can be obtained. The circuit diagram for PWM to Control DC Motor Speed has been successfully designed. Thus, the first objective has been achieved. The progress of the project works efficiently if the project followed accordingly to the Gantt chart made at the beginning of the project. The Gantt chart contains all the important steps that need to be followed in rder to finish the project successfully. All the steps in the Gantt chart been mentioned with respective date. Hence, there should be no problem during Final Year Project 1 when all works were being done according directly to the Gantt chart. The simulation for PWM to Control DC Motor Speed had been done by using simulation program, MULTISIM. MULTISIM provides all the necessary components to complete the simulation for the PWM circuit. Since the output should be a DC motor or a DC fan, it was replaced with Oscilloscope or Multimeter to observe the changes that occur in the simulation.This shows that choosing MULTISIM is the smart choice to run the simulation because of the advantages and the ease of use that this simulation program has. REFERENCES 1. Motor Speed Controller, retrieved from http://homepages. which. net/~paul. hills/SpeedControl/SpeedControllersBody. html 2. 4QD-TEC: Electronics Circuits Reference Archive : PWM speed control, retrieved from http://www. 4qdtec. com/pwm-01. html 3. PWM Motor Speed Controller / DC Light Dimmer, retrieved from http://www. solorb. com/elect/solarcirc/pwm1/ 4. PWM DC Motor Controller, retrieved from http://picprojects. org. uk/projects/ppc/index. htm